Monday 30 July 2012

Gov’t calls for a minute’s silence for Prez Mills on Tuesday at 2:15 pm

In honour of President John Evans Atta Mills, the government directs that all should observe a minute’s silence on Tuesday, 31st July, 2012 at 2:15pm (14:15 GMT).

The said day and time marks one week and the exact time that President Atta Mills passed away.

A statement signed by Deputy Information Minister James Agyanim Boateng on Monday said, wherever people find themselves throughout Ghana at 2:15pm on Tuesday, 31st July, 2012, they are to observe a minute’s silence as directed.

The statement also admonished Ghanaians to say a prayer afterwards for the soul of President Atta Mills, who worked selflessly towards bettering the lives of Ghanaians.

Government further encouraged the electronic media, as far as is reasonably possible, to also observe the minute silence.

President Mills funeral slated for August 8-10, Accra

The controversy that has surrounded the final resting place of President Mills has been laid to rest with an announcement by the family that he will be buried in Accra.

The family has slated August 8-10 for the funeral of the departed President.

According to Kwesi Amissah, a brother to President Mills, the family in consultation with government reached an agreement that the late President be buried in Accra at a special cemetery which will be announced soon.

Mr Amissah, who was speaking on Metro TV Friday afternoon from Prof Mills' family home in Akamfua in Cape Coast, said all the confusion surrounding his burial has been cleared.

He said initially, certain people had tried to demand that he buried somewhere else; those at Cape Coast had wanted him to be buried at Otuam but after meetings with government in Accra, they had agreed on the capital.

Mr Amissah stated emphatically that all the final funeral rites would be held in Accra adding there would be no other ceremonies anywhere else.

He said they were now waiting for the government to communicate the date for the funeral rites and burial.

Mr Amissah also revealed that President Mills' one week would be held at his Regimanuel Gray residence at the Spintex Road on Tuesday, July 31.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Asokore Mampong Affordable Housing Site houses criminals. 16-07-12

It is now clear the abandoned Affordable Housing Project site at Asokore Mampong has completely been taken over by squatters, creating a hide-out for criminals and other notorious gangs.

The projects involves construction of 800 flats of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms on 50 acres of land was initiated by the erstwhile Kufuor administration.

Like other locations in other parts of the country, the project was discontinued following a change in government. 
Nhyira FM’s Kofi Asante visited the Asokore-Mampong site after residents of Adukrom, also in Kumasi, complained members of a gang which attacked them last Saturday live there.

Residents of Aboabo, Sepe-Timpong, Manguase, Asokore Mampong and its surroundings for some time now have been leaving a state of fears following what they describes as “sporadic” attacks by some notorious gangs who are now using the abandoned affordable housing as their hideout. Police am told last month was here for some swoop but they missed their target due to their time of visit.

The facility, which is engulfed in bushy surroundings, is now a safe haven for over 1,000 squatters, mostly traders who were displaced from the Kumasi Race course recently.
My intrractions with some people l met reveals the squatters have allotted to themselves the responsibility of caring for the abandoned housing units, and that each block has a caretaker, who takes some form of rent from them.

Residents in the neighbourhood complained that criminals, including wee smokers and armed robbers, had taken advantage of the vulnerability of the squatters, mainly women and children, and unleash inhuman treatment on them.

The helpless women are constantly subjected to rape and molestations.
Meanwhile, a four unit block and two other rooms are now serving as classrooms for a local Islamic School (Makaranta)

Story: Kofi Asante Ennin/Nhyira Fm-Kumasi

Thursday 5 July 2012

A farming community in Ejisu-Juabeng Municipal gets police station 03-07-12

Residents of Akyinakrom in the Ejisu-Juabeng Municipality of Ashanti can now heave a sigh of relief from activities of miscreants with the inauguration of a new police station to serve the community. 

The community has over the years served as hideout for armed robbers and other social deviants.

Municipal Chief Executive, Afrifa Yamoah Ponko has charged residents to avoid the temptation of inducing security officers in carrying out their routine operations.

He believes proper collaboration between the community and the police will help maintain peace and order in the area.  

Ashanti Regional Police Commander, DCOP Augustine Gyenning called on the residents to serve as watch-dog to help flush out criminals in the area.

He assured residents of police professionalism and urged them to regard the police as friends, especially as the country move into Election 2012.

Story By: Kofi Asante ennin    

Update: Emergency Regional Security Council meeting scheduled over police assault

The Upper East Regional Security Council has summoned all security heads in the region for an emergency meeting tomorrow following an assa...