Wednesday 29 February 2012

Free HIV treatment on NHS for foreign nationals

Foreign nationals are to be offered free treatment for HIV on the NHS under plans backed by the government.

Campaigners say the move in England will reduce the risk of Britons being infected and cut the costs of more expensive later treatment.

Currently only British residents are eligible, which excludes migrants.

The Department of Health said it would bring England into line with Scotland and Wales, and there would be safeguards against "health tourism".

Extend treatment

There are an estimated 25,000 people with undiagnosed HIV in Britain, many of whom were born abroad.

People from overseas cannot be treated for the condition unless they pay, which is not the case for other infectious diseases.

This group of people includes failed asylum seekers, students and tourists.

Conservative former cabinet minister Lord Fowler, who headed the government's Aids awareness campaign in the 1980s, has called for an amendment to the Health and Social Care Bill currently before the Lords.

This would extend free treatment to those who have been in Britain for six months.

The proposal will be introduced by the government in a Statutory Instrument rather than as part of the legislation.

'Good news'

Public Health Minister Anne Milton said: "This measure will protect the public and brings HIV treatment in to line with all other infectious diseases. Treating people with HIV means they are very unlikely to pass the infection on to others."

Yusef Azad, director of policy at the National Aids Trust, said: "If someone is tested and treated early, it is much cheaper than them presenting themselves in hospital with a much more serious, complex condition that can cost tens of thousands of pounds to treat."

Professor Jane Anderson, chairwoman of the British HIV Association, said: "This is good news for people living in the UK who are HIV positive and also for public health in general."

Critics claim the decision could prompt so-called health tourism and put the NHS under further financial pressure.

But the government pledged tough guidance to ensure the measure is not abused.

The Department of Health said it would be difficult for somebody to come to the UK specifically for treatment as the process took months to administer and monitor. 

Source: BBC/NEWS 

Ghana, Serbia in diplomatic row; missions closed in both countries

Ghana’s recognition of Kosovo as a partial independent country has sparked serious diplomatic row between Ghana and Serbia.

The Eastern European country has sent Ghana’s Ambassador Samuel Valis Akyeanu packing, leaving Ghana no choice but to respond in an equal manner.

Foreign Minister Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni confirmed the new development at a press conference held on Wednesday.

Kosovo was part of Serbia but after a strenuous fight for self determination declared its independence on 17 February 2008.

As of 17 February 2012, the Republic of Kosovo has received 90 diplomatic recognitions, including Ghana, but that appears to have come at a cost to the West African country.

Angry Serbia severed its years of diplomatic relations with Ghana.

Alhaji Mohammed Mumuni told Joy News shortly after the conference that President John Mills who is the “chief diplomat has considered all issues and in his wisdom has directed that we recognize Kosovo.”

That recognition he insisted cannot be considered as a “hostile act against Serbia.”

He said other countries have recognized Kosovo whilst maintaining their relationship with Serbia and wondered why Serbia has taken such an action against Ghana.

The Foreign Minister downplayed the impact the row would have on the fortunes of Ghana, saying, there is not much economic activity going on between the two countries.

Hasty decision
Ghana, Serbia in diplomatic row; missions closed in both countries
Dr Nyaho Tamakloe

But former Ambassador to Serbia under the erstwhile Kufuor administration Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe vehemently disagrees.

He told Joy News it is a wrong decision taken by government to recognize Kosovo and the consequences even more precarious.

He said it is a “total lie” for anybody to suggest that there is not much economic activity between Ghana and Serbia.

According to Tamakloe, the Serbians built for Ghana the Naval Base, the all too famous International Conference Centre and many other economic activities, after nurturing over 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

On the contrary, the former ambassador insisted Ghana has little to gain from Kosovo but everything to lose from Serbia.

With the AU yet to take a position on Kosovo, Nyaho Tamakloe believed Ghana has been hasty in its decision to recognize Kosovo.
But in a reaction, Mohammed Mumuni said Ghana’s foreign policy is not dictated by the AU.

He said in the spirit of diplomacy, self determination and international peace, the Chief diplomat- President Mills- decided that Ghana recognizes Kosovo as an independent country.

U.S Embassy pays courtesy on private media school in Kumasi 29-2-12


Kumasi,Ghana-A high powered delegation from the US Embassy in Ghana has paid a courtesy call on Oxford Institute of Acting & Journalism, a private media training institution in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region on Tuesday 28th February, 2012.

The delegations led by the Information Officer of the Public Affairs Unit of the Embassy, Jeanne Clark discussed possible ways to help improve the level of professionalism of the Ghanaian Media training institutions. 

Jeanne Clark disclosed the Embassy will from next academic session send some media experts to orients student journalists in the country including the institution to make them more equipped to the job market.

Information Officer for the Public Affairs Section of the Embassy, Jeanne Clark said the embassy is set to partner the Ghana Journalist Association to offer refresher courses for the media for more ethical reportage. 

The Executive Director of Oxford Institute of Acting & Journalism, Mr. Daniel Kofi Asante Ennin expressed the important of the visit adding the institution will be collaborating with the United State for more exchange programmes to improve both academic and professionalism level of the students.

Mr. Ennin said the institution established six years ago has trained over one thousand professional personnel both for the print and electronic media. 

He says the institution affiliated to the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) and London Centre of Marketing both in UK now offers degree courses in Business and Marketing programmes

Story By: Kofi Asante Ennin/Nhyira Fm/Ghana

Gallary of officials from the US Embassy and Oxford Institute of Acting & Journalism Staff during a courtesy call to the school in Kumasi

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